Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Stuggling with Business

I am a child of God. I am a husband and a dad. I am a music teacher. I am a former professional horn player. I am the owner of a music lesson academy in sunny Las Vegas, NV.

About Las Vegas: I like it here. I like having a view of the strip and knowing that I live in a 24 hour city, and I can go have a cheap steak any time of day or night...that's comfort. But I also fear raising my two kids, ages 11 and 9, here. I don't like the public schools and we can't afford a private school.

My studio is an infant as I just it started in June. Then the worst economic time of my life began. I am debating closing the business for now. I will still teach.

I have spent too much money so far to make this business work. But, I love the idea of owning a business. I love when things go well, but I'm miserable when they don't.

This blog will be about my journey to be a better husband and dad, re-find myself, my passion to start and run a successful business, my love for my family, my love for music, my commitment to become financially secure, and my quest for the meaning of life.

I hope to reconnect with lots of old friends and find lots of new friends along the way. I love networking, so I may meet many of you someday.

Thanks for being here and starting my journey with me.